Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Egg Hunts

Megan went to three egg hunts for Easter, so by the third one she finally got the hang of putting multiple eggs in the bag instead of just opening the first egg she found and trying to eat the candy :) Here's our trip to Idaho Falls for the Easter Egg hunt at Sheandi's (Casey's sister) in pictures.
Megan is packed and ready to go :)
A nap on the way there.....
This is the egg hunt that the school did...
Here is the egg hunt at Sheandi's
Snuggling with Uncle Cody and Skyler
Nap on the way home with her favorite lion (does that lion look familiar Nat?)


Rebecca said...

Ohhh.. she is so dang cute! I love the picture on her way out the door--so cute in pink! Thanks for making me cry again! I miss you guys so much. MOM

Auralee said...

Kids make any holiday 100 times more fun!! Glad Megan and you guys had a fun Easter =)

Aria said...

oh man Megan has totally grown up! Sounds like you guys had a fun Easter holiday. I can't wait till next year when Luca can go Easter egg hunting. Good to see you guys... on your blog!

Natali Jolley said...

YES OH YES. That lion certainly does look familiar. How cool that she likes it. That makes me so happy in my heart and everywhere else. Looks like you had a fun easter and Good luck with soccer this year.