Thursday, April 9, 2009

14 Months

Megan seems to have grown up so much lately. She can understand so much, she knows how to throw things away, get her milk out of the fridge, pit her toys away, and has gotten so independent. She won’t eat anything unless she can do it herself. Megan is hilarious, she cracks me up daily. She has finally grown in to a forward facing car seat. I have started to go to work two times a week and Megan goes to a babysitter, she has done pretty well but she still cries every time I drop her off, it’s actually kind of cute because she knows she has to go but she’s going to do it her way. We’re still waiting for good weather…… she loves to be outside just taking walks and playing on the slides. Megan is very cuddly, once she gets going Casey and I get hugs and kisses over and over. Her most consistent words are “hi” and “yuck” . Here are some recent pics.......
Tantrum time......
Always pointing at something, even in mid-crying
Bubble swim suit that she wasn't too fond of.
Here's a cheesy grin


Rebecca said...

You're breaking my heart!! I love the bubble suit. These are the fun times! Love you guys, MOM

Allen Family said...

She is so cute. I love the bubble swim suit. Cute idea.