Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Break

So Vegas didn't happen, but Bear Lake did! I was very proud of myself for remembering to bring my camera but when we got here and I tried to use it....the batteries were dead. So no pretty pictures. Casey's friend has a timeshare at Bear Lake and let us stay here for a couple nights. It has been really nice, there is a pool with a kiddie pool and Megan has had the time of her life. The kiddie pool is 2 ft deep which comes up to her shoulders so she mostly just climbed up and down the stairs. We tried some floaties to help her out but she hated them. Other than that we have just been relaxing and playing skip-bo :) The weather did clear up today so we could see the beautiful, it would be fun to come back in the summer and play.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Recent Activities

Megan can put herself to sleep! She has been doing this at night for a while but I took this picture the first day she went down for a nap by herself. Good 'ol Mr. Lion and Teddy Bear helped of course.This is Megan's obsession with shoes caught on camera, she's always either putting them on taking them off.

I just think her face is funny in this picture, cute girl.
This next week is Casey's spring break!! woo hoo! We're thinking of going to Vegas but I don't know if we will make it. I'm hoping for warm weather and a pool!!

Friday, March 13, 2009


The other night we came home to two big puddles of water in the middle of the Dining room floor.  We couldn't figure out where it had come from so we just soaked it up with towels and went to bed.  The next morning there was more water.  We finally figured out it was slowly leaking from our faucet, but only when the water was off, random.  Anyway we had to clean out under the sink so the maintenance man could come fix it and Megan took advantage of the cool new place to climb into.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Natali, here is my apron :)

Yea for Dads!

So here is what happened when Megan and Dad were hanging out while I was playing basketball.  She fell and put her two front teeth into her bottom lip (not all the way through) I went out into the hall after the game and saw her screaming with blood all down her front.... she's a tough girl.
Here is the outfit Dad picked out for Megan this morning for church. I went in early so he was on his own.  That's right, socks and sandals with a dress.  :)

13 months

After the pigtails :)

Megan is 13 months old today. She is such a hoot. Always gibber-gabbering and always so busy, getting into anything and everything she can. She can say puppy, baby, more, dad and mom. And can sign please... sometimes :) She can point to her belly, toes and mommie's nose. She has 5 teeth coming in at once, three molars and two more in the front. Go Meggie!!


So I have my computer back and everything that was on it!!  Yea for good friends, thank you Brett and Angie for saving everything :) Yea for my laptop, woo woo.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Winter Blues

So, I have been boycotting any new posts because of the laptop fiasco but I stole Casey's laptop and figured I better get back on the ball. We went up to the cabin for one last winter trip last weekend and found some friends! We showed them our sledding hill and we had 'lots of fun.

That is a face of victory baby!
Again Megan loves to climb into random boxes and sit there

We're Flying!!

Ok this video is funny, I saw it on Cristi's blog and I'm totally the person on an airplane wanting to shout, "this is so cool! we're actually flying, like off the ground!"