Monday, January 26, 2009

Crimping Gone Bad

We went up to Island Park this weekend with Stef and Cory.  So fun and relaxing!  Stef brought her crimper and we tried it on Megan..... 
She looks like an 80's rockstar in training :)  Thanks for the great weekend guys! (I want a rematch in settlers!)

Thursday, January 22, 2009


OK, the stay at home mom business isn't what you would call exciting, so I have to get excited about some everyday things....... We don't have a dishwasher in our apartment and both Casey and I hate doing dishes. Needless to say the dishes were quite often neglected and tended to pile up. It was a big pet peeve of mine all last semester, I would mope around wishing that they would just wash themselves while getting depressed that I was too lazy to do them. So, for the New Year I decided to buckle down and force myself to keep up with the dishes everyday. I quit looking for excuses, and just did it, everyday right after dinner, when Casey is home to entertain Megan otherwise right after I put her to bed. Miraculous! I have felt so much better, waking up each morning to an empty sink and clean kitchen. I never would have thought such a mundane task could lift my spirits day after day, I'm even starting to like doing the dishes :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

11 Months

Well it's been 11 months since the excruciating pain of giving birth...... although the drugs do make it much more enjoyable.  Anyway, Megan is pretty much a genius :) Well she is very cute, I put shoes on her for the first time the other day and it was so funny.  She wouldn't walk, she just stood there and kept shaking her legs trying to get them off, like a cat with tape on their feet (not that I would know from personal experience :) But she finally got used to them.  She's only about 15 pounds but she eats a ton and has finally mastered drinking from a sippy cup all by herself. She loves to dance and sing, as soon as she sees me pick up the remote for the radio she smiles and starts bouncing. She has four teeth now and a fifth one is making its way through. Go Meggie!

Family Pictures

Here are just a few of the family pictures........


Christmas was awesome this year. We were able to visit both of our families and we had a blast with everyone! For Christmas Eve we went to the Schanzs for a Family Home Evening, it was crazy with little ones running around but Judy had great activities and a beautiful lesson for us.  
After Christmas we went up to the Lowder (Casey's grandparents) cabin in Island Park. Megan had an ear infection so we had some pretty bad nights. The days were great, we just relaxed, watched movies, and played games. The wind and snow were relentless so there wasn't as much snow play as usual.

We left there on the 28th and headed for Vancouver. Megan did very well in the car and the roads were pretty good. It was so nice to see everyone and be together.  Again just hanging out, playing games and watching the crazy kids :)  I took advantage of Mom's sewing machine and started a table runner.  We had a great time getting together for family pictures as well....haha keeping three kids happy, while having to sit in one place for an extended period of time was a great adventure :)  Well anyway, enough of words here are some pics......
Happy Birthday Dad!! (and Draper too...sorry no pictures of your cake)
Ready for the snow!!! She's not a great fan as of yet.
Megan loved to climb in and out of this little rocking chair
Bath time!

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Family Picture

Just a quick note to say look at my blog to see our new family picture.........more to come on the festivities of the holidays and Megan is 11 months old!