Friday, April 30, 2010

Sleeping Mommy

So I'm putting Megan down for bedtime by using the old,
pretend to be asleep trick, when she leans over,
her nose to my nose and asks, " Doing mommy?"

I manage to keep still for about 2 seconds until she asks again, "Doing mommy? Doing?"

Then the chuckle of laughter escapes my throat as I say, "I'm sleeping Megan."

She replies "Megan sleeping too mommy....(pause)....and talking"

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fun in the Sun

This past week the weather has been amazing (with the exception of today). Here are a few shots of the girls having fun in the sun.

This kid loves to slide

and to swing, on just about anything

and this one just loves to watch her big sister

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Blogs

So I've decided that I hate scrapbooking.......well I've always known that but thought it was important for my kids to have something they can look back on when they're older about their childhood, so yea for blogging! I've started a blog for each kid and plan to print them off as memory books for them. I want to keep them private but please give me your e-mail address if you would like to read along, there may be some duplicate posts :)


Here is our sweet Addison on her blessing day

And the only position I can Megan to stay in for longer than 2 seconds

This is Megan's version of a smile for the camera :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Thoughts

I'm feeling especially grateful this Easter for my knowledge of the Savior, of His life and teaching. I would be especially ungrateful if I didn't share it..
There's a purpose for us being here on this crazy planet, God loves us and wants us to be happy.
If we will follow His plan for us we would know more peace and true joy in our lives than can ever be attained any other way.
I know this is true because I'm feeling that joy as I find myself lost in the service of my little family.
If you want to know more of what I know check THIS out :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010


What do you think? hehehe this is free and 'lot's of fun to mess around with on