Thursday, May 28, 2009


So it's been a while since I've posted anything, and I don't have any pictures because we (I) left our camera in a friends car and haven't gotten back together yet.....anyway we had a great Memorial Day weekend. Casey had Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off from school which was sooo nice. We had a blast on our mini vacation. As most of you know Casey is a Soccer man and this weekend was the state tournament for club teams and it was in Pocatello! So we spent most of Saturday watching a few games and listening to Casey reminisce about the good 'ol days of soccer playing.
Sunday I had to lead the music for Sacrament meeting, accompany a musical number, and had the lesson in Nursery, so it was very eventful.
Monday, Casey's sister and her family came down to Pocatello and we went swimming at Ross Park, they have an awesome kiddy pool set up and a lazy river, a water slide and some other cool stuff. It was chilly but Casey, Megan and I all managed to get sunburnt on our backs. That evening we went up to Idaho Falls and had a BBQ with Casey's Family, it's always fun to hangout and watch the cousins play around. We stayed the night there.
Tuesday I went to work and Megan and Casey hung out all day.......Casey was glad to see me at the end of the day :) (as was Megan). Casey got to play in a soccer game with his old club team from Rexburg, The Dragons, it was just a fun game put together and they tied St. Anthony 2-2. We drove home that night.
Wednesday we went back to Ross Park with a few people from Casey's class and their kids, it was much warmer and we avoided the sunburns that time. Then we had another BBQ with some more friends from Casey's class and played a few rounds of Rook.
It was a whirlwind few days and now I'm ready for Casey to go back to school so I can relax! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Man

I just needed to brag about Casey, he got a scholarship from the Physician Assistant Foundation! This is something that only about 40 students in the nation get and Casey was one of them! :) Nice job babe! woo woo!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

15 months

Here's her new swim suit
Showing off the belly
And getting into Mommy's make up, I don't know if you can see it very well but she has concealer all over her face

Megan is 15 months! She had her well check up the other day and the stats are; 18 lbs, 29 1/2 in. tall. That's the 5th percentile in weight (which is up from not being on the charts a few months ago :) and 25th percentile in height. She is getting her two front eye teeth on the bottom which will make 14 teeth in all. She is a very picky eater, the few staples I can get her to eat are pretzels, goldfish, yogurt and fruit, and of course whole milk, she can down about 32 ozs a day. Oh and she loves fry sauce, it's hilarious to watch her suck it off a tater-tot, throw the tater-tot down and revert to just licking it off her fingers. She has her own language for everything, the most clear words she can say are hi, thank you, mom and yuck. Being outside is still her favorite thing to do. She is still sleeping about 12-13 hrs a night and taking a 2 hr nap during the day woot! 


Our lives have been pretty routine this past week. So no exciting posts but just an update on where we're at. Casey is finishing up his second semester and ofcourse has done really well, only one semester of book work to go and then in August he will start rotations. His first one is scheduled for Rexburg! Back to the bubble! Megan has stopped crying when I drop her off at the babysitters, I have mixed emotions about that. We are still anxiously awaiting the opening of Ross park (water park) and hot summer days! oh, our intramural soccer team made it to the semifinals we lost 3-2 they scored the stupid 3rd goal with about 30 seconds left in the game! But we had an undeafeted pre-season so I would call that a success.