Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Does anyone know how to add a song from itunes onto a blog? 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


That's right Prom...A local radio station puts this on every year and a couple friends from Casey's class invited us to come. I felt so nerdy but it really was so much fun. and Casey actually danced! Us girls got ready together and Chantee did my hair, I don't think I've ever put that many bobbypins or harispray in my hair before :)
Rachel (red dress with white sash), Chantee (green dress) and Jordan (white shirt with red tie) are in Casey's class.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

How to be a "good" mom/parent?

OK I have this random thought that I keep struggling with. I want Megan to trust me enough to come to me for help with her problems but I want her to be independent enough to be able to deal with her problems on her own, this is mostly a future concern but one that I feel definitely starts when they are young. How do you find that balance?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Soccer Times

Casey and I have been playing on an intramural indoor soccer team, the games are late Tue and Thur so we can go play while Megan sleeps. Last nights game was awesome. We were down 3-0 at the start of the second half. So we rallied and pushed up, Casey used his skills and got 4 goals to win the game! woo hoo! I even got two good shots at the goal, which I was proud of because usually I would have completely missed the ball :) I'll have to take some pictures at Thursday's game.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dedicated to Fredrina

Our two red eared sliders were given to us by a friend and Casey lovingly named them, Fred and Fredrina after our dead fish, Fred, (who mysteriously died while in the care of our brother-in-law…..) And it was time once again to clean their tank. Because of the sun finally coming out and the snow finally gone we decided to let the turtles hang out in the back yard instead of their usual spot in the bathroom sink. Fredrina promptly found a great hiding spot up against the house while Fred wandered around. Our backyard is fenced in so we felt they were relatively safe. After about ten minutes the tank was clean and we were ready for the turtles……. Fredrina was in her hiding place, but Fred? Nowhere, we searched under every plastic kid toy in the backyard including a perimeter of about 100 feet outside of the fence. Nothing, it didn’t help that Fred is the exact same color as the grass and sagebrush. So after searching for about 20 minutes we decided he was on his own. By that time it was time for us to go to the concert (I talk about that in the next post) so we put Fredrina in the bathroom sink with some water to wash off and went to have some fun. Upon returning home Fredrina was still…..she had gone back to live with Heavenly Father. We were devastated, losing both turtles in one night! The next day was also very nice and sunny, after putting Megan down for a nap I settled down in the grass in our backyard to read my book. Then, a rustling in the sagebrush made me look up…a little too loud to be the wind, a bird? A snake? Fred!! There he was trying to make his way up the little hill. He’s now safely back in his tank after his big adventure, sadly without his companion Fredrina, who is now in turtle paradise.


Casey and I went to a concert the other night with Stef and Cory, our good friends. So fun!!!! It was a really small crowd just here in Pocatello, as fun as big crowds are it was nice to be so close to the band and feel like you’re on stage with them. It brought me back to my days of concerts and rock music………and of course fed my dream of how cool it would be to be in a rock band :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Egg Hunts

Megan went to three egg hunts for Easter, so by the third one she finally got the hang of putting multiple eggs in the bag instead of just opening the first egg she found and trying to eat the candy :) Here's our trip to Idaho Falls for the Easter Egg hunt at Sheandi's (Casey's sister) in pictures.
Megan is packed and ready to go :)
A nap on the way there.....
This is the egg hunt that the school did...
Here is the egg hunt at Sheandi's
Snuggling with Uncle Cody and Skyler
Nap on the way home with her favorite lion (does that lion look familiar Nat?)

100,000 baby

Miles that is. On our way up to Idaho Falls for Easter festivities we hit the 100,000 mile mark. 
It took us another mile to finally get a good picture so.... here's mile 100,001  :)
Good 'ol car, Casey bought this (pontiac, sunfire) before we were married, hence only two doors, with 17 miles on it.  We have definitely put it to good use, but I am sooo ready for something with four doors and some cargo space.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

14 Months

Megan seems to have grown up so much lately. She can understand so much, she knows how to throw things away, get her milk out of the fridge, pit her toys away, and has gotten so independent. She won’t eat anything unless she can do it herself. Megan is hilarious, she cracks me up daily. She has finally grown in to a forward facing car seat. I have started to go to work two times a week and Megan goes to a babysitter, she has done pretty well but she still cries every time I drop her off, it’s actually kind of cute because she knows she has to go but she’s going to do it her way. We’re still waiting for good weather…… she loves to be outside just taking walks and playing on the slides. Megan is very cuddly, once she gets going Casey and I get hugs and kisses over and over. Her most consistent words are “hi” and “yuck” . Here are some recent pics.......
Tantrum time......
Always pointing at something, even in mid-crying
Bubble swim suit that she wasn't too fond of.
Here's a cheesy grin

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Apartment Woes

So the internet has been down at our place since Wednesday....... uuuhhh .... dumb. we hiked down to campus today so we could use it. Our bathroom light has also been blinking since Monday and pigeons have decided to live in our roof, nesting in our bedroom ceiling, using our front porch as a lavatory. It's frustrating that we can't just fix these things ourselves, we have to wait for "maintenance" to make their way around and do stuff for us. fun days

Homemade Playhouse

We got a new car seat for Megan the other day and it came in a huge box.... so I thought I would take advantage and turn it into a playhouse.....  woo hoo, she loved it. And she likes to draw on the walls with her sidewalk chalk..... we cannot wait for the weather to change so we can get outside and actually use the chalk on the sidewalk..... maybe some day the snow will melt and the sun will warm the air instead of just providing light, which of course I am very grateful for :)