Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving! A little late :) Here are just a few random shots from that day. We had quiet day with Casey's parents, all of his sisters were at their other family's so it was just us!

I couldn't get Casey to quit making goofy faces so he is with the turkey.


So I'm on my mother-in-law's computer and found some sweet pictures of Casey as he was growing up....just wanted to put them up for all of posterity :)

Back in Time

Allright, I finally got a hold of some halloween pictures. Dennis (Casey's Dad) took these pictures at the Schanz Halloween Party.

Here is a shot of Megan's awesome turtle costume, yes I made it.
Fishing for some prizes:

Sigh. .......... if you can't figure this costume out then you don't even want to know........

Huge pumpkins that grandma and grandpa won the the local pumkin contest with

Megan with her cousin Taybree (I'm not sure how to spell that)

It was loads of fun, with 'lot's of candy and good food!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Signing off

So our internet is being shut off today and I don't know when the next time will be that I will be able to get connected again :) Char if you're reading this call me with the details of the party (stupid facebook isn't working). Casey is in SLC for his Psych rotation and we are moving to Shelley! woohoo.... these last 6 months have gone by fast, I'm hoping the next 7 will go by just as fast, if not faster, and we will be moving on to another chapter of our lives! :) Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

21 months

It has been a while since I have updated on Megan and she is 21 months!! I right these posts in hopes that I will later write them all down in her scrapbook or some sort of book for her to have so sorry if these are boring for you to read. I have no pictures because our camera is stupid and won't turn on, or I'm just stupid and can't figure it out, anyway....
Megan has grown up so much and everyday her personality starts shining through. She is so independant and yet still such a mommy's girl. She must do things her own way, especially eating and putting on her pants. She loves her stuffed animals, a big teddy bear and a puppy with a few others. She loves to take care of them, feed them whatever it is she is eating, change their diapers and make sure they are involved in what we are doing. According to our scale she is just over 20 lbs. and I have no idea how tall she is but she has finally grown out of her 9 month size pants and is into wearing a 12 month size :)
She can say a lot of words and is always trying to mimmic what Casey and I say, as well as do. It is so funny, she'll look at the way I am sitting and then make sure her hands and everything are in the same position. We have been staying with Casey's sister in Utah and they have a trampoline, Megan's new favorite toy, she says it "pompaleen". She also loves to sing or rather listen to me sing and follow along, ring around the rosie, itsy-bitsy spider, and "my hands upon my head I place.." (from the children's songbook) are a few of her favorites. Her favorite movies are 101 Dalmations "puppies" and the Aristocats "kitties". When she says her name it sounds like "stinky" it's pretty hilarious we ask her, 'what is your name?' and she replies, 'i stinky' aahhaahhaa.
She is our endless source of entertainment. One of her favorite activities is coloring, with a pen or pencil. she can draw a circle and a 'straight' line and constantly wants me to draw a star, a puppy and a kitty. Casey and I usually have to bribe her with candy in order to get kisses or hugs from her.
Megan is full of energy and attitude, I think she will be an awesome big sister! :)