Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Another Video!

Woohoo, another video! :) Here are Megan's dancing moves. She is using our neighbors' barbie car. It is so hilarious, aahh kids :)


Rebecca said...

I love it! She has disco in her genes! I can't wait to see you guys. Love You, MOM

Christy said...

haha! what a cutie! I think on of my favorite things is watching little toddlers dance! LOVE it.

Jenna Anderson said...

Hey! To answer your question: I take my videos on my digital camera...it's a Canon PowerShot
A470 7.1 megapixel. It was less than $150 and I love it! The only maybe downside is that on Blogger I think the largest video you can upload is 100 Megabytes...I think, thats what i remember...so that is about a one minute video, I could never upload videos that are 2,3,4 minutes long. And all i do is upload the videos from my SD card into a file in my photos folders, and then add them to blogger. Sorry this message is so long! I think that answers what you wanted!