Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Recent Events

"So I quit my job today"

Those are the words every wife and mother would love to hear right??

Well, Casey said them to me about a month ago.... 
He was in the orthopedics department of the Native Hospital in Anchorage
and it just wasn't a good fit.
As he has been interviewing at other places, we've been
traveling to Glennallen for a temporary job at their local clinic.

Glennallen is a VERY LITTLE town about 3 hours NE of Anchorage.
Charging a murdurous amount of $6 a gallon for milk, and averaging below freezing temps :)
Here is the amazing scenery on the road from here to there
 This is the Matenuska Glacier

 This is the barf bucket....luckily never got used

Beautiful country!

1 comment:

Natali Jolley said...

So, does Casey have a new permanent job yet?