Thursday, December 9, 2010


Well.....could buying a house be any more complicated? Probably, but I am soo ready to just be in our house allready! We're waiting on another inspection but hopefully we will be all moved in by the 18th. Man these last two months have dragged by and I'm sure the next week will as well. Mostly I can't wait to have internet access again! :)
I have been working on a quilt for Megan, which I just finished today, to try and make the time go faster.
Here's hoping the inspection goes well and we can get into our house soon!


Stefanie Sayre said...

Pictures pictures. I want to see pictures of where you guys are going to be living!!!

Christy said...

How exciting! I know the process though can take forever, but it will be here in no time, and then you must take pictures!!!!