Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh Blessed Naptime

So Megan is asleep... can we all shout hooray!! Is it bad that this is my most favorite part of the day, well actually second a part from when Casey gets home, (lame I know but I still like my husband :)
Seriously I'm having a great time watching Hulu and doing some scrapbooking..... a great afternoon for a SAHM (stay at home mom, I just learned that one :)
Oh, but only 5 more weeks until there's another little one, so these days of peace will no longer be, sigh. But, who needs peace when you can have two beautiful little girls to make you laugh and wonder what you used to do before Elmo and play dough?


Stefanie Sayre said...

i know... you plated endless hours of Settlers with the sayre's!

Allen Family said...

It's my favorite time of the day too. Also when you get your little one you should have a quite time during the day. When Ellie is sleeping Kaeson will watch a movie or we will do some crafts. It's a nice relay time.

The Andersens said...

ooooh how i love nap time:)

Rachel said...

I think it's the best part of every mom's day! Without it we would lose our patience early and not be able to give our best self's to our fam. Ty coming home is what we look forward to all day too so totally not lame.
You make me laugh and sound like a seriously awesome mom!