Thursday, May 7, 2009

15 months

Here's her new swim suit
Showing off the belly
And getting into Mommy's make up, I don't know if you can see it very well but she has concealer all over her face

Megan is 15 months! She had her well check up the other day and the stats are; 18 lbs, 29 1/2 in. tall. That's the 5th percentile in weight (which is up from not being on the charts a few months ago :) and 25th percentile in height. She is getting her two front eye teeth on the bottom which will make 14 teeth in all. She is a very picky eater, the few staples I can get her to eat are pretzels, goldfish, yogurt and fruit, and of course whole milk, she can down about 32 ozs a day. Oh and she loves fry sauce, it's hilarious to watch her suck it off a tater-tot, throw the tater-tot down and revert to just licking it off her fingers. She has her own language for everything, the most clear words she can say are hi, thank you, mom and yuck. Being outside is still her favorite thing to do. She is still sleeping about 12-13 hrs a night and taking a 2 hr nap during the day woot! 


Christy said...

Megan is so precious and just perfect! My little Avery loves to get into my makeup too. I, However, don't like it!:) Glad she is growing and doing so well. And sleeping 12-13

Rebecca said...

Trouble comes in small packages!! Love you all, MOM