Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dollar Store Friday

We wanted to get out of the house and do something last Friday night so we decided to take a trip to the dollar store, here are a couple treasures Megan found. Yes she wore that headband just like that through the entire store :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Diaper Pouch

So I have seen a few of these around these parts and thought it would be fun to try and make a cute pouch to hold some diapers and wipes. The pouches I have seen are just a single pouch but I wanted some pockets inside to separate between Megan's and the baby's diapers. Well, that idea didn't really turn out, the pockets just made it harder to get the diapers in and out, I needed to make the pouch wider to make up for the pockets......anyway, here's the finished project :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh man, here's the belly :) In all it's glory. Three more weeks to go. The ultrasound was perfect today, she is only 5 days behind in her growth, but her growth curves are as perfect as they come sooo no early induction.....I guess that's good news but I was getting a little excited about the prospect of her coming soon :) Here's to babies!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Doctor Time

So Megan and I went to see the doctor today. It's always so fun to hold on to a two year old and try to give a urine sample at the same time........anyway, I'm still as fat as I was two weeks ago and the baby's heart rate is perfect. My belly is measuring two weeks behind so we are going to do an ultrasound next week to check on the baby's growth. Megan had a problem with her growth right around the same time as this so I may end up getting induced again with this one. I've learned to always go to the doctor prepared for anything! So we'll see what happens in the next few weeks :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Fridge

When we moved into our apartment there were a number of things wrong.... one being that the fridge had no bottom shelf or crisper drawers. Well after a much anticipated two months the final consensus was for a new fridge! and it came today! woo woo! I don't think I've ever been so excited over an appliance before :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh Blessed Naptime

So Megan is asleep... can we all shout hooray!! Is it bad that this is my most favorite part of the day, well actually second a part from when Casey gets home, (lame I know but I still like my husband :)
Seriously I'm having a great time watching Hulu and doing some scrapbooking..... a great afternoon for a SAHM (stay at home mom, I just learned that one :)
Oh, but only 5 more weeks until there's another little one, so these days of peace will no longer be, sigh. But, who needs peace when you can have two beautiful little girls to make you laugh and wonder what you used to do before Elmo and play dough?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What What.....I'm still alive!

We had an amazing December! Casey finished up his rotation in Utah.....crashing our car one more time for good measure.....and then he had three weeks off for some much needed rest and relaxation! We spent one week in our new apartment in Shelley just chillin' and then took a plane to Vancouver to stay with my family for a week and a half, spent a few days with Casey's sister in Aloha and then drove back with Casey's parents. Here is a photo journey of some of the things we enjoyed with our Dad :)

Playing the Original Nintendo......who needs a Wii?? And that's our sad little tree in the background :)
Visiting the Oregon Coast! Can you believe there were blue skies?!

Going to OMSI. A really cool science museum with tons of hands on experiments and activities for kids and grown ups.

These pictures weren't the best. I had the camera on action mode which doesn't have a flash and well you can see the result
Concentrating very hard on using scissors for the first time
I made these skirts while at my mom's house, one for Megan and one for the little sister on the way :)

Just posing for the camera...she's starting to get the hang of it
A sweet tutu I made when we got back home from Washington.

Overall a great vacation and wonderful Christmas! We were spoiled and I miss everyone!