Thursday, January 22, 2009


OK, the stay at home mom business isn't what you would call exciting, so I have to get excited about some everyday things....... We don't have a dishwasher in our apartment and both Casey and I hate doing dishes. Needless to say the dishes were quite often neglected and tended to pile up. It was a big pet peeve of mine all last semester, I would mope around wishing that they would just wash themselves while getting depressed that I was too lazy to do them. So, for the New Year I decided to buckle down and force myself to keep up with the dishes everyday. I quit looking for excuses, and just did it, everyday right after dinner, when Casey is home to entertain Megan otherwise right after I put her to bed. Miraculous! I have felt so much better, waking up each morning to an empty sink and clean kitchen. I never would have thought such a mundane task could lift my spirits day after day, I'm even starting to like doing the dishes :)


Rebecca said...

It's a miracle!!!

KatieB said...

You've got a funny mom! :)

I completely agree with you. Even with a dishwasher, I detest doing them. However, it's so much more refreshing to come into the kitchen in the morning and see clean counters rather than piles of dirty dishes. I'm also thinking that Ryan's just about old enough to help! :)