Monday, November 10, 2008

9 Months

Megan is now 9 months old, as of this past weekend.  She is busy, busy, busy, always going and moving.  She's been crawling now for a few months and is trying so hard to walk, and yes she has two teeth! She loves to clap, wave and dance. It is so fun to watch her grow and learn new things everyday. I'm so grateful that I am able to work from home so that I can be with her. Yea for moms!


KatieB said...


I don't know if you remember me, but I used to housesit for your family while I was attending EOU. I found your blog and Draper's too from the link on your mom's blog. You've got a cutie! So hard to believe that you're all grown up!


KatieB said...

I loved your old farm house in Imbler, and your Mom made it so cozy! But, oh, that devil cat! I don't know if I ever told your mom, but the devil cat became an outside cat for awhile after biting me on the foot for the third or fourth time. It sure made walking down the stairs in an early morning stupor interesting. :)


Stefanie Sayre said...

It was so much fun at the cabin this weekend. We should def. go see Twighlight together. The boys can laugh at all the cheesy romance and we can judge how good it is compared to the book!

Jenna Anderson said...

Hey guys!! We have a blog, too! Thanks for letting us know your address. Now we can keep up on everything! Hope you are well. Megan is so so so cute! Riley is basically all healed up, thankfully. She occasionally will say her collarbone is sore, but she is doing really well!!