Sunday, November 23, 2008


Casey and I spent last weekend with friends of ours, Cory and Stef.  Cory and Casey had a successful duck hunt with Cory's new puppy Brohm. (Sorry I'm not sure how to spell that.) Thanks for the great weekend guys!
Casey is out of school this week for Thanksgiving break and is planning on hunting for Elk.  Lets hope we get one! Of course I hate packing the meat but it is so nice to have meat stocked up for the rest of the year.

Monday, November 10, 2008

9 Months

Megan is now 9 months old, as of this past weekend.  She is busy, busy, busy, always going and moving.  She's been crawling now for a few months and is trying so hard to walk, and yes she has two teeth! She loves to clap, wave and dance. It is so fun to watch her grow and learn new things everyday. I'm so grateful that I am able to work from home so that I can be with her. Yea for moms!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Holiday Spirit

You have probably seen this in previous years but I just found it in my e-mail and thought I would share it again.  (You'll have to copy and paste it in your browser)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh to live in my own house.....

The woes of living in old, campus housing........
1. It's an arm workout just to turn on the kitchen faucet
2. The wind blows through the windows like they're not even there
3. The shower pipes make a hideous screaming noise
4. The carpet is multi-faceted with stains
5. With the thermostat up to 90 we can get the temperature up to 70! 
6. We have awesome retro plastic base boards, and they're brown
7. The water turns from ice cold to blazing hot in just over 5 minutes
8. And best of all there is no dishwasher
I'm not usually a complainer but I am really ready to get out of an apartment and into a home, only a year and a half left!  Woohoo! 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Real Salt Lake Soccer

Saturday Casey, Megan and I went to the Real Salt Lake soccer game, it was in their new Rio Tinto stadium. It was a great game, they played the Chivas from LA in their first ever playoff game. RSL scored the only goal in the 90th minute, very exciting. Megan loved all the noise. We got to the game late and so we bought our tickets from a scalper (sp?), with the money we saved we decided to buy some souvenirs. GO REAL!!


Here is Megan as a bunny, we went to the ward trunk-or-treat it was so much fun to see all the kids costumes. Other than that it was a pretty quiet night.