Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Catch Up

Well I thought I should post some recent activity about our family.  
Casey is 2 months into the PA program at ISU and it is a lot of work.  So much memorizing.  He's excited for the book work to end and the hands on stuff to begin.  
I am working from home with the same landscaping company I've been with for three years now.  It works out pretty well.  
Megan is growing up so fast.  She crawls around easily and is trying so hard to walk.  We've been working on clapping and waving as well, she's a genius!  :)
I just finished sewing my first apron and it was a lot of fun.
There's a little bit about us

Carter Bradford Schanz: Reflection

Carter lived for 10 weeks.  Such a short time in our lives, and today it seems like such a long time ago.  Almost like it was another time, another life. There are so many things that I've learned and am still learning.  I am so grateful for my knowledge of the Savior and his sacrifice.  Our family will be together once again and we will be able to see Carter grow and take part in everything we missed out with him here. 

Carter Bradford Schanz: Life through 'lot's of prayer, fasting and priesthood blessings we decided to bring Carter home on just fluids.  We knew with this decision he would only live for a few months at the most.  We were so excited to bring him home with us.  The time we had was so amazing.  Casey and I took the semester off from school and just hung out with each other.  We had so much support from our family and friends. This trial turned into the greatest blessing of our lives. There were a few scary moments, like when Carters central line broke and we had to drive him down to Salt Lake in order to get it fixed.  We took him hunting, on a drive through Yellowstone park, traveling all through out Utah to watch Casey play soccer.  He was the perfect baby, a great sleeper and loved to be held.  We took many photographs and videos. We thank Heavenly Father everyday for the chance we had to take care of Carter and the many blessings we have received.