Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Carter Bradford Schanz: Birth

As soon as we got to the hospital in Rexburg they hooked me up to a monitor, checked my cervix and called the University of Utah Hospital to arrange a plane to come and fly us down to Utah.  I was dilated to a 3.  The plane didn't get there until 1:00 am.  They gave me some shots to slow my contractions down, that was absolutely amazing since I had been having contractions for 2 1/2 days now, and then drove Casey and I to the plane.  We finally got to the U of U around 4:00 am Friday morning, and they hooked me up to patosin, (however you spell that), to get my contractions going again.  I finally got tired of those again and asked for an epidural, it went very smoothly and Casey and I took a nap.  They woke me up around 3:30 in the afternoon and said it was time to push.  So they wheeled me into another room, I pushed for about 20 minutes and there he was.  We didn't get to hold him right away, because they took him to the nursery for a check up.  He received a 9 out of 10 for the APGAR score.  As soon as they had hooked him up to all the IVs and got him ready for surgery they wheeled him into us so that we could see him.  They had him in an incubator, with 'lots of tubes, and sucking on a pacifier.  We learned that he was 5 lbs 15 oz and 19 inches long.  Casey went with them to take him to the NICU at Primary Children's Hospital.  I was able to go see him a little later that night and hold him for the first time.  His surgery was scheduled for 9:00 the next morning, (Saturday).

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