Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You've got to be kidding me

OK so my laptop totally warning at all, just a blank white screen. Pictures? Music? documents? all gone..............................................................uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. We're going to try and salvage some of it this weekend, so everyone cross your fingers!

Monday, February 16, 2009


So my laptop is not working at the might be a while before I can start posting again....Grrrrrrr.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Future plans

Casey and I are so excited about getting done with school, we have been discussing plans for his rotations that will start in August. There are two rotations that we will be able to do outside of Idaho. We will most likely be able to go over to Portland for a couple months, (yea!) and for the other rotation we wanted to go to Hawaii!!  I have family over there and we thought it would be an awesome place to be......but it looks like that idea won't work because my family doesn't have room for us, no place to stay = no rotation in Hawaii.......  aahhhh to be in tropical paradise, maybe someday :)  So we are still up for debate on the second place of fun and adventure before we settle down into middle class Idaho. And an update on Casey, he is doing very well in his classes....he just got a 95% on his test woohoo!! GO CASEY!!


Here are Megan's stats from the doctor visit yesterday:  15 lbs 9 ozs.  28 inches long and her head circumference is 17 3/4 inches.  She also has an ear infection!  Her weight is not even on the charts because she is so skinny but her height is in the 15th percentile.  The doctor said we need to fatten her up, give her more calories.  We're trying some pediasure so hopefully that will put on some pounds :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Megan Audrey Schanz

Here are a bunch of pictures over the past year... 
Her face cracks me up every time

Bath time
Little red ridding hood

Baby from the hood

New PJ's and shoes from Gram

Gotta' love chocolate frosting

Well it's here.... birthday #1! I guess it's #2 it be exact. Megan is not feeling well at all so she starting the birthday celebration thing off to a bad start.  We made cupcakes anyway and Grandma and Grandpa Schanz came down to visit. We're having a party with everybody else next weekend. Megan got spoiled with presents from Casey's PA classmates, presents in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa Robinson and auntie nanie, as well as presents from the Schanz.  Lucky girl!  
She has grown up so much!  I know everyone says it but I have to say, it has gone by so fast. Update on her "abilities", she's been walking for a few months now and is starting to get faster, she loves to climb the stairs and take baths. She loves to sit and read books and cuddle with her stuffed animals. She can finally put herself to sleep at night and is no longer breastfeeding!  woohoo! Megan is a great sleeper, about 12 hrs a night with a 2 hr nap in the day. She has figured out how to turn the TV on and off with the remote and by her own doing has begun to fold her arms while we pray, it is soo cute and if I don't have my arms folded around her she grabs my hands and puts them where they are suppose to be. She is getting so close to saying a few words.  She made the noise for a cow yesterday and can say momma and dadda.  She know's high five, and gimmie a kiss, soft and still loves to dance. She has 6 teeth!  Her doctor's appointment is tomorrow so I'll have to put her height and weight then.
She has been a great baby and I can't wait to see how she will continue to grow and see her personality shine through. Go Megan!


Ok Natali blogged about an obsession and challenged everyone to do the same....I know it was supposed to be about clothes but to be completely honest I don't have one with clothes, my true obsession is with books, journals to be exact.  I love them, I love the smell, I love a whole book just full of blank pages ready and waiting to be filled with words.  I will hang out in the journal section of Barnes and Noble forever, just going through all of them imagining what I could use them all for, music lyrics, poetry, an angry journal, a gratitude journal, questions......anyway you get the idea, yea for journals! What is your obsession??

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fun Weekend

Here are just a few fun things that happened over the weekend
These are our sweet bowling shoes, purple suede and a gold buckle, don't you wish you could bowl in such high fashion?  Thanks G&G Lowder!
Megan loves going down the slide, if I had a cool camera you could see the sheer joy in her face, it is sooo funny to watch her go down :)

She got herself into this one, just crawled under and then got mad that she couldn't get out by herself
This is just a random shot after a long nap, she was still really out of it and just dazed
I sure love being a mom!