Saturday, March 26, 2011

Polynesian Culture Center

So awesome! The PCC is so fun, the people are so friendly and just hilarious!

 making something out of coconut
 Getting ready to jump to the next tree......just kidding, no really
 my sweeeet tat, Casey was going to get one on his leg but then two 
grandma's walked up and each got one on their he opted out :)

 So sleepy

 This guy from Japan was hilarious....
 Megan sleeping, and my sweet tat again..I look like such a dork :)

 Gotcha' ya'!!
 she got away!

 beautiful curls, Addi's hair was so curly the whole time we were in Hawaii

1 comment:

Christy said...

So cool!! I am so jealous!! hehe. Looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing those pictures. And you don't look like a dork! I think you look so pretty and skinny in all those pictures!