Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Casey, My Man

It is finished! Casey's first year of PA school, down the drain :) He did very well and is so excited to start rotations. The first one is scheduled for Blackfoot, General Surgery, so we will be staying in Chubbuck. His second rotation is in Idaho Falls and then Salt Lake, so any Salt Lakeans who would like visitors for 4 or 5 weeks let us know :) It's off to camping this weekend so we need to stock up on lot's of sunscreen and bug spray!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We just got back from a long trip to Washington, Casey is once again the reigning champion of International Court Soccer!! They play in a raquetball court, one on one or doubles, with the same rules as raquetball but with a soccer ball (they get three "touches" with the ball), it looks a bit like a huge tennis ball. We drove to Seattle for the tournament and got to go to a Seattle Sounders game, so fun! the fans there are awesome, so loud! Casey had to fly home for classes, but Megan and I drove down to Vancouver to spend some time with my fam. Here are some pics of the Oregon Coast, the best!

It was Megan first beach sighting and she loved it until she face planted it into the wet sand. It took seeing someone's puppy to make her happy again. Here are some pics of a park we went to with the cousins Deacon and Olson with Sara.
It was hilarious to watch Megan run through this water. She would get close and then come out saying, "Brrrrrrrr" all hunched over.

We ended up going to this park after we tried to get into the zoo. Ridiculous! It was $2 Tuesday and there was no where to park including the shuttle parking and ridiculously long lines at both places, so the park was our second choice.
It was so nice to see my family and have some fun, but we missed Casey so here we are back home in Idaho! (still no internet at the apartment though)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oh blessed internet

basset houndImage by pwcorgigirl via Flickr

I'm sneeking on the internet at work, because we no longer have internet at home. We have successfully moved across town into Chubbuck. So no more internet, no more TV........I've been going a little crazy so Megan and I went to the pet store yesterday and played with the puppies, the pet store guy got a basset hound out for us, soo cute! Megan spent the rest of the afternoon saying, "hi puppy!" over and over. The new place is very nice, it's only a few years old and has a dishwasher, washer and dryer and central air. I hooked up the nintendo last night and Casey and I had a blast playing mario kart, we're going to get the track pad out tonight and have a track meet in our living room.....that's right the original nintendo track pad, classic. Megan has done really well in a new place, she has really started to talk up a storm, it is so funny to hear her. anyway that's a little update about us. we should be getting connected to the cyber world here pretty soon so some pictures to come.....